

Kirsty Lohman (2017)
The Connected Lives of Dutch Punks: Contesting Subcultural Boundaries
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Free sample:
Chapter 4 ‘Mobility and Connections’


journal articles

'Deconstructing DIY identities in a trans music scene' (2019)
by Ruth Pearce and Kirsty Lohman
Sexualities, 22(1-2): 97-113
Journal article / Open access version

Bloody revolutions, fascist dreams, anarchy and peace: Crass, Rondos and the politics of punk, 1977–84’ (2018)
by Kirsty Lohman and Matthew Worley
Britain and the World: Historical Journal of the British Scholar Society, 11(1): 51-74
Journal article / Open access version

Dutch Punk with Eastern Connections: Mapping cultural flows between East and West Europe’ (2013)
by Kirsty Lohman
Punk and Post-Punk, 2(2): 147-163
Journal article / Open access version


book chapters

Queering Community Development in DIY punk spaces’ (2021)
by Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce
in Rosie Meade and Mae Shaw (editors)
Arts, Culture and Community Development
Bristol: Policy Press
Book / Open access chapter

Queer and Feminist punk in the UK’ (preprint, 2020)
by Kirsty Lohman
in George McKay and Gina Arnold (editors)
The Oxford Handbook of Punk Rock
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Book / Open access chapter

DIY identities in a DIY scene: trans music in the UK’ (2019)
by Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce
in Ruth Pearce, Igi Moon, Kat Gupta, & Deborah Lynn Steinberg (editors)
The Emergence of Trans: Cultures, Politics and Everyday Lives
London: Routledge, pp. 68-84
Book / Open access chapter

Nothing Like the Rest of Holland: The Groningen Punk Scene’ (2019)
by Kirsty Lohman
in Mike Dines, Alastair Gordon, Paula Guerra and Russ Bestley (editors)
The Global Punk Reader: From the Local to the Global
Bristol: Intellect
Book / Open access chapter

Punks Against Censorship: Negotiating Acceptable Politics in Dutch Fanzine Raket’ (2018)
by Kirsty Lohman
in Subcultures Network (editors)
Ripped, Torn and Cut: Pop, Politics and Punk Fanzines from 1976
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 264-280
Book / Open access chapter


journal special issue

Punk and Marginalised Identities
Kirsty Lohman with Anita Raghunath (editors)
Punk & Post-Punk 8.2.

Full journal special issue

Notes in the Margins’ (2019)
by Kirsty Lohman and Anita Raghunath
Punk & Post-Punk, 8(2): 189-192
Journal editorial / Open access version